Are you sick of your pimples and breakouts that destroy your self confidence? Are you sick of waking up in the morning with new pimples all over your face and body that not only look bad, but hurt? Here are some great clear skin tips for you to use to avoid those types of mornings.
Even if you just have a couple of pimples, this could be too many pimples for you and you can get rid of them for good.
The first thing you need to understand is that the cause of your blemishes is probably not food or your diet. It can contribute, but food is not going to be the major reason for a breakout. You are usually going to break out because you did not clean your face properly, you have touched your face way too much, or you are under a lot of stress. Stress is the number one reason for breakouts.
There are a couple of natural remedies that you can use that work at least as good as the store bought remedies without the harsh side effects.
You can use garlic and milk in order to clear your skin. Take fresh garlic and cut it into small pieces. Then, soak the garlic in milk for about a half an hour. The garlic smell should have become weak enough by now that you can handle it. You need to rub this mixture all over the areas where you are prone to break ups.
Another natural remedy is any fruit that has pulp. You can use the pulp in the same way as far as rubbing it all over your areas that have blemishes or are prone to break outs. This will help your skin clear up naturally.
The last of the natural clear skin tips is to use tea tree oil. This is just as good and as effective as the main ingredient in most of the leading medications. You can pick up tea tree oil at any of the health food stores in your area.